Sunday, September 11, 2011

Under the Sea

Hey all!!

Its been a while since we posted! SORRY! It has been a LONG and exhausting month (and we aren't even halfway through September!)

So anyhow! We have time now so lets get our blog on! Big sister has a very cute god son, and as a great God Mother, she threw him a baby shower before he was born. I (Baby sister) volunteered to put the party favors together.

The party was a Sea theme, so Big sister got soap similar to that in the link. We got fishes, starfishes, and crabs . . . lots of fun sea - like shapes. What I did was put blue grass to act as the ocean water and put it into a clear bag and tied these Thank you cards on it (sorry the picture isn't better! I took it on my phone):

What I did was cut various sea theme window cards and them cut sea embellishments so that it can become that picture above. These are so cute & (I think) show stoppers, because there are so many possibilities that you can have, it gives the impression that you are trying to make everyone something special since all the cards are different with a personalized message.

Check out our Etsy store with the window cards that we have for sale. Or message us and let us know how we can personalize some cards for your next party!

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