My friend works at a company that takes Halloween pretty seriously, they dress up and have costume contest . . . the whole nine yards . . . and he not being one to really dress up . . . had to look for a costume idea and one that is budget friendly and not overly complicated! After researching and researching we decided to take on the task of the Sriracha Bottle! We both thought that it would be funny and simple to do.
For everyone who doesn't know, Sriracha is a hot sauce that is widely used (mainly) by Asians. I personally use it for my Pho and pan fried noodles.
To start, we got red fabric that closely resembles the Sriracha color and and Big Sister sewed it into a long poncho/ muu muu dress. From there, it was puffy paint city! I used chalk to mark and center where I wanted things. This was how it all started after the costume was sewn to size.
That was the outcome after I finished all the writing.I regret that "SHAKE WELL" in the corner triangle was too small, I sized it incorrectly. But I didn't want to take the chance of peeling it off because of the white residue that could have been left behind. For the most part, I free hand the letters and Chinese characters. The Chinese characters were FAR easier than the actual English letters, because it was all straight lines basically . . .I put the rooter in the center for size purposes. I didn't do the rooster until the next day because I wanted everything to DRY completely before I start drawing.
Here is the next day when I finished the rooster. The rooster wasn't as hard as it looks. What I did was blow up the rooster to the size I wanted and then cut around it to make an outline. The rooster itself is all lines & strokes . . . no real actual shading or anything complicated. So just following the lines and putting the line placement correctly was simple. The IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER is that puffy paint makes thicker strokes, so use your judgment is how many lines you can put. The actual pictures have LOTS more strokes than what I used on the costume, but at the end of the day, it still looked GOOD!
The cap was just green paper that I folded accordion-style for the base and because the cap does have ridges, and the made a cone for the spout and taped it all together! And for good & authentic measure, I ripped a piece of cloth and taped it near the spout because a lot of the bottles that I have seen have a crusted sriracha sauce because no one bothered to wipe it clean.
And that is how you make your Sriracha Bottle Costume! Keep it in mind for Halloween 2012!!
We don't sell this costume on our Etsy Store . . . But visit! And maybe there is something else on there that you can use to help your next costume or project!