Saturday, December 17, 2011

Donation Box & Display Board

Hey there bloggers!

Recently I (baby sister) had an assignment (that I really put upon myself) to make a donation box & a display board for the organization that I volunteer for: Poly North. We were having an event at Barnes & Noble where we will gift wrap ANYTHING that people purchased that day and all that we ask is a donation. They can choose to donate anything that they wanted, there was no dollar amount that we asked for.

So here is the box (sorry about lighting! I really need to get better lighting)
What I did here was, and I really wished that I didn't, was use green wrapping paper. And I say I wish I didn't use wrapping paper because I find wrapping paper to be very thin & somewhat flimsy, you'll notice that there is some tape on the corners to reinforce it. But all in all, it was fine. Next time, I know i'll use card stock or poster board because it is more heavy duty and more sturdy. Also, with wrapping paper, when you glue, unless you are going to sit there and really try to smooth it out, it has that bubble effect. Which is another reason why I think next time I will go with thicker paper

I kept it really simple by using our skinny alphabet letters to spell out "Poly North Donations." I like to make sure things are simple & clean, and I think I achieved that.

I also made a display board with pictures of the students at camp so that people who and what they are donating for and to:
 I used the same skinny alphabet letters to make the board so that it is consistent with the box. I used the colors green & gold because that is the school's color (GO LB POLY! Home of the Jackrabbits!!)  I used a black board because I wanted a neutral color that will allow the colors to POP!

I have more close up pictures of the letters on the board, but I can't find it right now.I promise to post it as soon as I find it! I think it is on my phone, I just need to dig around for it!

If there is anything that you think we can help you with on your next project, visit our Etsy store and we will be glad to help!

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