Tuesday, February 14, 2012

DIY Valentine's Day Cards

Happy Love Day to everyone!!

We all hope that your Valentines day went well, and that you were showered in love from everyone that you hold near & dear. I (Baby Sister) don't like the whole term S.A.D (Singles Awareness Day) for today because love is all around us, and everyone says that there shouldn't be a day where you have to show your love to someone . . .but the way that I see is that today just allows you to enhance the love that you have for those around you . . . significant other, family, or friends . . . everyone loves to feel appreciated!

With that said, our aunt recently asked us if we can make her some valentines day card so that she can pass out. Of course we said yes! Here's what they looked like:

 There is the set of 3 cards that we made
 Cupid with LOVEx3 . . . extra love for this person
 True love, because lets face it . . . on Valentines day . . . all love is true because it is enhanced with gifts, no matter how big or small.
 Traditional heart & Valentines Day Card
 Inside of the card, a neutral message: Love is . . . Being able to spread love all year round . . . Happy Valentine's Day. All the cards have the same message.

Hope you like them! Check out our Etsy Store to see if there is anything that you can use to personalized your own card & to keep checking on what new things we have in store!

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